Child soldiers: the worst and sometimes forgotten aspect of war


“Throughout the day we did not have time to think, but now I did,  That´s when I got angry, began to imagine different scenes where I was ether shooting or stabbing… I imagined many of the rebels being captured, locking them up in a house, spraying gasoline and lighting a match. We would see they burn and we laughed. ”

This a line of a book I read while I was doing my masters in Madrid, written by Ismael Beah in 2007 called “A long way, memories of a child soldier”… As I was browsing today on an essay that I wrote on the matter for one of my classes, it suddenly dawned on me that i had to forgotten about this horrifying situation that is happening in many parts of the world at this very moment.

A child soldier is often recruited to fight where ever there is  a conflict. Asia, Latin America, Europe, are some regions where governments know that children are being recruited as soldiers, therefore are obligate to live and practice acts of crime and violence that automatically steals from them whatever once of innocence they had. Africa, is the place where this practice is most common. According to UN estimates there are over 100.000, particularly in Uganda, Liberia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sudan.


While I was writing my essay, I learned about the atrocities that child soldiers are forced to commit. There is the obvious, they are being forced to kill, it´s ether their life or their enemy´s life. The real twisted part I that very often child soldier are recruited by the rebels that force them to kill people from their own village, who many times are their friends even families. They are also forced to sexually abuse the enemy raping girls and women, again sometimes from their own village. They are forced to lose their childhood and become these monsters of war. How the fuck (and pardon my french) can a Global Report in 2008 written by the Spanish Coalition to stop child soldiers report that some militaries in the US actually torture child soldiers captured in war in Guantanamo, and the american government do nothing! In Palestine, and im sure in other parts of the world too, child soldiers were used as human shields, still no one did nothing.

I seriously don’t understand why this is matter that in 2012 it’s still an issue. Governments know which countries used children as soldiers in a conflict, what´s most surprising is why are they letting a war steal this children´s hearts and souls.. We most definitely live in a really sick world…

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My question is, can they really be rehabilitated? Can they really have a normal life after having a starting role in a war, after knowing that they killed and raped. Ismael Beah, was a child soldier who fought in the Sierra Leona conflict when he was 13 years old. His immediate family was killed by the rebels who recruited him as a soldiers. He killed many of his “enemies”. Through his book, he tells the horrific part of his life, in a way to heal, and to let the world know that this is a reality that´s happening. I don’t like to read sad and heartrending stories, but this is book that shows you that there is hope for these children to have a normal life, and that the people and organizations that work with ex child soldiers are the ones that are worth supporting. Yes it´s a sick world, but i´m personally trying to get out of my bubble and being aware of this sickness buy some how trying still being hopeful that things have and will change.




A story of faith / Fé y la Fundación Madelaes….

Searching for a social project that I could passionate about, I met in November of last year the Foundation Madelaes. This Foundation is  a home to 22 orphan girls, some whose parents have died, or others whose families simply will not or can not take care of them. The Director of Madelaes  is called Maria Elena. I do not consider myself a person of great religious faith, but I think for the first time I understood that faith was what led to Maria Elena to assume the challenge of adopting children, not knowing with what resources was going have, she was only clear on thing: that the girls needed a home and she had to provide it for them.
Only faith can make a human being give  her body and soul to a cause so beautiful, by giving these girls an opportunity to have a home with food, bedding, toys but  most importantly LOVE. It is impressive when you visit the home with the love that these girl welcome you, which is clearly the same love they have received from Maria Elena. Some girls have married and have formed their own families, therefore new girls can live at the home. Some are in college and have even been lucky enough to be working, because besides love, Maria Elena taught them to be responsible, hardworking and that with willing and delivery they can achieve their dreams. The Foundation receives no subsidy by any institution, Maria Elena kept home with the support she got from people who know the beautiful project that she lives for. The older girls help with cleaning and household maintenance. I hope one day the world can get to know and fall in love with this home, so that many are encouraged to help. I believe with a little difference  anyone can help, that´s the example y learned from  Maria Elena, who with love, faith and dedication has 22 beautiful and healthy girls under his tutelage, that will became in a few years women who are an example to follow.



En búsqueda de algún proyecto que me apasionara, conocí en noviembre del año pasado a la Fundación Madelaes. Esta Fundación es un hogar de 22 niñas huérfanas, algunas cuyos padres han fallecido, otras cuyas familias simplemente o no quieren o no pueden hacerse cargo de ellas. La Directora de Madelaes se llama María Elena, no me considero una persona de mucha Fe religiosa, pero creo que por primera vez entendí que la Fe fue lo que llevó a María Elena a asumir el reto de ir adoptando niñas, sin saber con qué recursos las iba a mantener, ella solo tenía claro que las niñas necesitaban un hogar y que ella tenía que proveerles de este hogar.

Sólo la Fe puede hacer que un ser humano se entregue en cuerpo y alma a una causa tan hermosa, como darle una oportunidad de tener un hogar con comida, cama, juguetes pero sobretodo y lo más importante AMOR. Es impresionante cuando visitas el hogar con el amor que te reciben esas niñas, lo cual está claro que es el mismo amor que han recibido con María Elena. Algunas niñas se han casada y han formado sus familias, por ende más niñas pueden vivir en el hogar. Algunas están en la universidad y han tenido la suerte inclusive de estar trabajando, porque además del amor, María Elena les enseña a ser responsables, trabajadoras y que con disposición y entrega ellas pueden lograr sus sueños.

La Fundación Madelaes no recibe ninguna subvención de ninguna institución, María Elena mantiene el hogar con las ayudas que consigue de las personas que conocen el hermoso proyecto que ella lleva. Las niñas más grandes ayudan con la limpieza y el mantenimiento del hogar. Espero lograr que el mundo conozca y se enamore de este hogar, para así que muchos se animen a ayudar, con poco se hace una gran diferencia, ejemplo de esto es María Elena, que con amor, Fe y dedicación tiene 22 niñas hermosas y sanas bajo su tutela, que gracias a ella serán mujeres de bien..