The perfect 35th Birthday Gift


If I could find the perfect birthday gift for me, what would it be…

1. A cure for migraines would be really nice. Migraines can be the biggest pain in the ass, especially if you last more than a week with them. But when it comes that moment of the day when I get angry and frustrated over my freaking migraines, I remember that there are tons of people who live in incredible pain and are still optimistic about life, so I pop in a headache pill and just live my day, business as usual. But a cure for migraines would be pretty awesome right now.

2. My favorite childhood story. There are two books that I remember my parents reading. The first one is called “La Elefanta Rosa Caramelo” (The Pink Caramel Elephant). A couple of years ago I found a copy over at amazon, paid almost 40 us for it, but it made my day being able to find it. It’s actually an inspiring story for little girls, because the morel of it is basically allowing you to be different and have fun being yourself. The second is a collection of books called “Max quiere un mundo mejor” (Max wants a better world). I remember my mom reading the Max books at night and me and my brother being amazed by Max’s ability to travel to different planets with the most interesting characters. Apparently the discontinued that book series, but it would be so cool if I found a used copy of them. That in its self would make for the best birthday present.

rosa-caramelo-3-7283. Weekend at the mountains and doing some hand gliding. Yes its true that life is so much better at the beach, but going to the mountains, Jarabacoa maybe, which is a small town in DR that I love, would be kind of cool. My mom decided three years ago that for her 60th birthday she would try hand gliding, she still says it’s a super cool experience. So escaping to the mountains for a fun and relax weekend and trying some hand gliding, that is the closest I’ll get to flying, might be a good present to give myself.

4. Watching a good happy movie. I’ve watched a lot of really good movies lately, but they were not on the happy side. So just a feel good movie that makes you think all is wonderful in the world and that leaves you would a little warm tickle in your heart would be nice. Laughter is good for the soul they say, so maybe this could be a good cheap birthday present for me.

5. Winning the lottery. Now that would be the greatest story ever! If someone asked you: “Hey, what did you get for your birthday?” and you would answer with an email and a picture of you drinking a cup of wine in the middle of Greece: “Oh, I won the lotto for my birthday, and I’m in the middle of traveling around the world”. Tell me that wouldn’t just rock!


So basically I pretty much have huge lot of important things, that make no not need much (except the winning the lottery thing). If I can get rid of my migraines I’m sure my birthday will be perfect. Well, actually with or without my usual headaches I’m one hundred percent sure that my birthday will be awesome. I don’t know why some people don’t enjoy celebrating their birthdays, true you get old, but you are also getting wiser and tend not to give a crap on things you once thought important. I’m my case is the one day of the year people text or call from different places around the world to remind me how important I am. Plus I get to acknowledge the fact I have a huge bunch of awesome people in my life, and that at the end of the day I don’t need much cause I have a huge huge huge lot. So Gaby’s 35th birthday here I am!


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