
” Sometimes the weather changes and the people come”

Never understood that phrase, heard for a long time in my house, at the same time don´t really know what my blog would be about. All i know is i have a particular way of looking at life and i would like to share it with other people…

I currently live in the Dominican Republic, were im a school principal, about to be a life coach in a couple of months and I work with different NGOs as a volunteer from time to time. I have the most awesome friends and family that give me the strength I need to chase my biggest dreams.

One thought on “About

  1. Hi Abbie. I saw your initial post on SMC. I debated one baby two for a long time. I was a full-in career wan bedore children working corporations, start ups etc. However, I did not determine I really wanted children until my mis 40s. I had been married fie a few years in my early 30s, lots of boyfriends, but no partner I could determine to share a family. So after looking into adoption for several years I finally determined to have children using my own body and donors.

    So I had my first daughter at 49 and my second at 53. If my thought process on having a second child would assist you in any way feel free to reach out. Ultimately when I saw the SMC conference videos of grown children of donors speak about their experiences it was then I determined to have a second child. There were other factors too but that conference viewing was a big influence.

    So, my daughters are now 2 and 5. I feel blessed beyond all belief. And it is tough – in every way. But at 55 years of age I feel content and know I made the right decision for my family. The first two hears are the toughest I think and i feel over the hump so to speak….

    Yes, fear of twins is a reality and I have some insights I can share if you wish…

    Best to you!!

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